NX.biz automated editorial server analysis tool

Traffic Club provides handling and management of DNS traffic on your network

NX.biz provides a comprehensive solution for the handling and management of erroneous DNS requests. Safe and easy to integrate for a better user experience and new revenue streams. Enabling full client management, retargeting and monetization options in realtime.

Advantages for you:

  • New revenue streams from unused advertising space
  • Easy integration, no hardware changes needed.
  • Get a better overview of your end-users’ behavior
  • Improve user experience for your clients
  • Drive targeted traffic to your portals via reserved terms

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Our awesome features

Traffic.Club offers powerfull tools and performance driven services

Smart Data

targeted performance on each single individual user

Global Coverage

get your audience and ad coverage worldwide.

Responsive Ad Formats

Cross device targeting and responsive Ad formats

API Reporting

fast and extensive, our reporting and managmenent API solutionsa.

We love direct type in Traffic!

We love DNS direct-type in traffic.
it converts so well…

24/7 Support

24/7 support in 4 languages